Saturday, May 26, 2012


Welcome to my blog! Woo-hoo :o)

A big HELLO to anyone who has mistakenly stumbled upon my lovely little blog. I'm pretty sure you had no intention of ending up here but I am glad ya did! I welcome you with my imaginary cyber arms. Ok, that sounded super creepy so I'm taking the cyber hug back and sending a big "What up!" your way.  The name's Zimmer and I'm a cosmetic/art enthusiast hoping to spread some makeup-luv in my own quirky little way!!!

Quick note:  Makeup doesn't define me, it just defines my cheekbones:) Don't take makeup too seriously!!! Inner beauty is everlasting because it has no expiration date.  My belief is that makeup should be fun and I will try to keep that spirit alive in my blog entries! Please bare with me as I try to get a hang of this "bloggin thingy".  I'm not the most tech-savy person but blog I shall!!!

A Little Bit About Moi:
I was born and brought up in the good 'ol USA but I am currently residing in India for work purposes.  I love anything that requires creativity:  Music, Dance, Theatre, Cinema, get the idea. I'm also a big animal lover and occasionally I'll be posting obscenely cute photos of my bichon frisĂ©, Dexter and mini poodle, Dee Dee.  Well that's all I can think of for right now because there's a cup of fro-yo staring me down!  Woo-hoo welcome to my blog! Let the madness begin ;o)

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